We run safe houses in Iraq but these are now reduced to two because of lack of funds but also because of attacks on safe houses. For example, one was raided in 2008 and everyone there killed.
Group members, which are over 100 in Iraq, have reported involvement by police forces as well as militia however no media has investigated and been able to prove this thus far. We know that parts of the government have been involved in actively tracking down LGBT, we know that judges have ordered arrests. People have been arrested and, we believe, executed.
We have also rescued many people from Iraq and moved them to Syria and some to Lebanon. This is an immensely expensive operation – it can cost $5000 to move one person. They then have to be supported.
We have been greatly helped by the United Nations and a number of Iraqis have now reached sanctuary in the West who we have helped.
We also talk to media and agencies and have talked to the UK Foreign Office about the situation in Iraq.
We would like to thank our funders, especially Hivos.